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Welcome to the photo album area. I have done a little travelling (not that much, mind you), and along the way I've taken some pictures. This is where they hang out.
Mind you, I am not a professional photographer. In fact, I'm pretty lousy at it. I have done my best, but please be aware - they're not all crystal clear. I try to post the ones that are mostly good to look at - I weeded out the really really bad ones. View at your own risk. If your eyeballs explode or you go into convulsions, well... Um. Sorry.
Please note - these photos are copyright me, and have been screened as carefully as possible to ensure that none of them have been copyrighted by other parties. You may do what you like with these images, but I reserve the right to hunt you down and beat you about the head and face with a dead carp if you do something especially sick with them.

August 16th, 2008: The ugly shed finally bites the dust.

November 4th, 2007: The Kansas City Chiefs hosted the Green Bay Packers at Arrowhead Stadium. They lost, but up until the end of the fourth quarter, it was a very exciting game.

October 27th, 2007: Sunny and Molly get married in Ames, IA! A bunch of our friends came into town for the wedding, and we had a blast catching up.

July 29th, 2007: There was a car fire at the "deluxe building" in the complex I live in, Wessex. The fire was in an underground parking garage below the building, so it could have been pretty bad. But, the alarms worked, ADT alerted both the complex management and the Ames Fire Department promptly, and there were no injuries. Not sure on the damages, yet, but it's about three hours after the initial alarms and the FD has left.

July 12th, 2007: Scott and Amy have a beautiful baby boy in St. Louis, Missouri. And Dorian rocks out on his new drum set, as a new big brother!

Father's Day weekend, 2007: Tracy, Rob, and I meet back home to help out with Mom's yard over the weekend.

May 23rd, 2007: A severe storm front rolls into Ames, Iowa. The frontal boundary was extremely pronounced, and the clouds made some unusual patterns, so I snapped a few pictures.

May, 2007: My girlfriend and I join her family on a Disney cruise in the western Carribean Sea to celebrate her parents' 40th wedding anniversary.

2007: Here are a number of pictures and videos of my cat Weasel in 2007.

February 23, 2007: Ames got smacked pretty hard by a winter storm - it rained, sleeted, and hailed (!) for a day and a half before the snow started falling. All told, we got somewhere between 9 and 14 inches of snow, and plenty of ice. We faired pretty well for power, but the same storm knocked over 100,000 people offline to the east of us, and as of Monday morning they're still without power.

December, 2006: Continuing the work on Andra's electrical system in her house.

December, 2006: Working on Andra's electrical system in her house.

September, 2006: I started working on Andra's electrical system in her house. Scary stuff!

September, 2006: I visited Andra for the Labor Day weekend, and we went down into Kansas City for Irish Fest. Woo!

July, 2006: I spent the Fourth of July weekend with my girlfriend, Andra, at her home in Missouri.

June, 2006: Pictures from my parents' golden anniversary luncheon.

2006: More Weasel pictures.

May, 1992: The Vincent's Hollow VEISHEA party at Brookside Park in Ames, Iowa.

April, 2006: My father's 75th birthday party in Mason City.

December, 2005: Our annual New Year's party in Cedar Rapids.

November, 2005: A severe storm produces eight tornadoes across the central Iowa area. Here are a few pictures and videos of one that skirted the north side of Ames. One of the videos shown here was featured on a Weather Channel special about the tornado outbreak.

October, 2005: My sister, bro-in-law, and I travelled to Europe for two weeks. We visited Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Luxemburg.

Autumn, 2005: Just a few pictures from the Ames area during the fall.

August, 2005: Corrie and Hale from the E-Markets days tie the knot on central campus at Iowa State University.

The Weasel album: After moving to a new abode, I adopted a little grey and white cat from the Boone, IA animal shelter. He and I are getting along quite well, and so far he's been very well behaved. I'm sure he's just waiting to free the beast.

July, 2005: Iowa State University demolishes two of the four "Tower" dorms by implosion. Controlled Demolition, Inc., of Maryland performed the actual implosion. I witnessed it, from a vantage point of 750 feet away. Easily the coolest thing I've ever seen.

October, 2004: Our 13th annual Halloween party. We once again held this one at the Isaac Walton League cabin in Iowa City, Iowa. Typical Iowa weather - it was around 80 degrees Friday, and about 2 degrees on Saturday.

December, 2003: Our mostly annual New Years party. This tradition has also been going on since 1991, for the most part. It isn't quite as ingrained in our veins as the Halloween party, but we try. This year, the Wittnebels allowed us back! Suckers.

December, 2003: I went down to St. Louis, Missouri right after Christmas to visit my good friends Chris and Liz. I had an awesome time, and it was so good to see them again. I had a chance to have dinner with a good friend of mine whom I used to work with as well.

December 2003: These are the pictures I took while at home for Christmas. The entire family was together, which only happens about once every two years. Once I get off my lazy ass, I'll include the pictures our wonderful neighbor Lorraine took as well (she's a ninja with a camera, unlike me).

Winter miscellaneous, 2003: These are just a couple of pictures I took after a snow storm. I think they turned out very well - the new snow was beautiful.

October 2003: Our annual Halloween party. This tradition has been going strong since 1991. This group of friends actually met online, playing a MUD called Vincent's Hollow. Since then, we have gotten together every Halloween, and most New Years. Some years there have been more than one party, so the crowd was split, but for the most part there has been one.

September, 2003: My sister and brother-in-law (city folk) trust me enough to take them camping.

June, 2002: This was a "gotta get away from the job" trip, in which a friend and I took a week off over the 4th of July to visit our good friend Matt. He has an awesome house, and the stay was a buttload of fun. We did the typical tourist sorts of things, such as visiting a few of the Smithsonian museums, walking around the national mall, and seeing the monuments. Many of these pictures are of very poor quality - I bought a new camera on this trip, and I was not used to it. I just about cried when I saw how badly some of the pictures turned out, especially the Smithsonian ones.

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